Transmission 038 Delayed

Posted by Kalvod | Java Jawa On 6/13/10 24 comments

Transmission 38 will be recorded this Tuesday. Sorry about the delay everyone, we've had to work out a few schedule updates due to Kalvod feeling a bit under the weather. This next show should be extra packed with some of the E3 updates that are going to be occurring throughout the week.


Suzina said...

Well, the good thing is this will come after the count-down on the mainpage has ended, so we'll be able to talk about that too.

It's going to be a HUGE show. We have:

1. Two new races confirmed.
2. Tidbits about gameplay in the gamespot article
3. New Timeline video with Malak/Revan
4. Alderaan trailer

And who knows what else? So it'll be a big show.

Ajay said...

Sad to hear about Kalvod not feeling well. Drink more blue milk and orange juice!

Kalvod, I wanted to mention I finished Millennium Falcon and thought it was a great book. How both sides of the story met up in the end was brilliantly written. The Falcon seems to prefer being on the Rebel side of things ;)

I also picked up Crosscurrent and the Darth Bane trilogy from the library near my campus apartment. I already read the first two Bane novels a while back, wanted to read the trilogy together.

As for E3, I will be writing an analysis on what to possibly expect. Check Jedi Archives Online later today for that article. (

Unknown said...

Wow, including the E3 updates, I bet it'll be like a 5 hour podcast ^^

Unknown said...

E3 going to do TOR trailer on Tuesday (30 mins thingy) Kalvod get some RUM inside you, or is that Whiskey (Best take both) make's you feel better, or less caring with is also good :).

Unknown said...

New Trailer out now!!!!!

Unknown said...

OMG! Jedi Consular for teh win! Go Team Republic! :D

Very nice trailer, although it doesn't have the impact the first trailer did (mostly because we did not know back then what to expect and the Deceived trailer just blew our minds, but also because the new trailer is a little less concise. Still, gonna watch it two dozen times. Can't wait to see what else Bioware has in store at E3. :)

Unknown said...

The site for me is having a few problems, most likely the amount of traffic lol.

YouTube video link

Unknown said...

Trailer got taken down from YouTube. Currently available here:

Kalvod | Java Jawa said...

Wow, what an amazing trailer. Epic, epic fight between the Consular & the Sith Warrior. That guy sure took a hell of a beating! Indeed incoming 5 hour show!

Thank you everyone for the warm get well wishes. Took today off of work to rest up, still feeling bad, but i think i'll be a lot better tomorrow and yea if nothing else there's rum!

Suzina said...

I enjoyed the trailer. It's a good addition. i like the Deceived one better, but this one did a really good job of giving Troopers and Consulars some screen time, and they really didn't get that at all in the other trailer.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

I agree. It was especially necessary to see the Troopers in action. From what we've seen in the movies they couldn't hit the broad side of a barn, as Suzina would say. Of course they are totally different troopers, but for many players that's all they have to go on when picking their class. So far we've really lacked a proper blueprint for the heroic kick-ass Trooper, and the trailer does much to alleviate that. (Although I don't understand why Troopers, who obviously excel at ranged combat, would give up their advantage -- the high ground, no less! -- to engage lightsaber-wielding Sith in melee combat. That seemed a little retarded.)
Also, people on the forums speculate that the Jedi in the trailer is Satele Shan. If that turns out to be true, then that's very cool to see her in action.
Albeit sappy, my favorite moment from the trailer is actually the very end, with the all the flares going up signifying the (momentary) triumph of the Republic, and the nice voice-over "a spark of courage can ignite the fire of hope." I thought that was quite a powerful image.
Also, the Jedi blocking Malgus's lightsaber with her bare hand -- kick-ass!

Unknown said...

Gah, 2.5 hours until the reveals, and I won't get to see them until tomorrow morning (stupid time zone difference). Can't wait!

Suzina said...

LOL, yeah. It's funny to think troopers with guns and the high-ground choose to jump into battle, with Talvus (I think?) busting out a small hand-knife at one point and charging a Sith Lord. Poor tactical choice my boy!

I was kind of taken aback by the hand-blocking of the saber. It's like, 'How did you do that?'

But I was interested in the fact that the consular uses a blue double-bladed lightsaber. There were some claiming consular's would have to use green, and this dismisses that notion even better than when the Sith Warrior held two different colored lightsabers at PAX.

I can only stay for the first hour of reveals as well, have night classes to go to in an hour. But I'll be interested to hear about everything tomorrow too. :)

Suzina said...

SPAAAAAAAAACE is comming!*

*At least, that's what I think.

Suzina said...

Ah ok, more like STAAAAAAAAAAAARSHIPS confirmed. hehe.

Kalvod | Java Jawa said...

wow, is crashing from all the traffic.

Unknown said...

Well if you can do the massive custom job on your ship like IGN has said, then other players should be to see it.

It says we would not want all ships looking the same. So your going to see other ships and them yours. So we know what SW is all about the republic v The Empire. So Space combat is looking way more likely now.
Thats something I would not have expected, after there shook off the combat issue when comparing it to SWG's.

Sadly think this ends the glimmers of hope i had for houses as they said ships act as a kind of home.

Unknown said...

I wouldn't read too much into the color of the Jedi's lightsaber. We never see any purple ones, either. And it also seems to me Jedi and Sith in the trailers are more of an amalgam of aspects of both force classes on their respective sides (e.g. Malgus doing some Inquisitor lightning although he would fit obviously in the Sith Warrior category, generally)

Kalvod | Java Jawa said...

I'm still in the school of thought that the ships are just going to be a housing system or a 'container' like we see the Ebon Hawk to be in the KOTOR games. Maybe they'll release a bit more info on them as the expo continues.

Kalvod | Java Jawa said...

I wanted to say real quick that they specifically refer to the ships as a 'base of operations' according the the LucasArts employee.

Unknown said...

I feel the same way about the ship reveal. I figure they'll be your companion hub, personal housing, a place to keep loot, to craft, etc. Basically the same way they worked in the KOTOR games, only that you get to customize them.
I really hope that you can visit and enter other people's ships, at least.

Unknown said...

Ah, looks like you can indeed bring your friends into it.

"[E]very player has his or her own personal starship." He continues, "It's your hub of operations; it's your home within the game world. It's where you come back to after a mission; it's where you have deeper interactions with your companion characters; it's where you store your gear or equip yourself out before adventuring again. But since this is a massively multiplayer game, it's also a place where you can bring your friends."


Suzina said...

I'm definitely glad you can bring friends on board. I'd hate if every one was instanced and solo like in FFXI.

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