Today we learned that raids in Star Wars the Old Republic will be called "Operations" as part of Gamespot's exclusive interview with Bioware. They also provided a sleek little teaser that hints at things to come. As part of this teaser, we see an image of one of the raids in action. While many have assumed TOR raids will have only two groups for a total of 8 players, the below image contains 13 different players on screen at once. I have also noted there is an agent who tosses a grenade near the left of the screen for a total of 14 players on screen. This indicates the maximum raid size in TOR is not currently 8, or even 12. TOR's raid size is at least 16.

I recommend reading Gamespot's article. It's a good write up with good questions and the attached video is well worth watching. For a larger version of the above image, click here.
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